Sexual Addiction

Sexual Addiction Similar But Different

Sexual addictive behaviors can be different for each person that struggles with this addiction.  The behaviors for many may not progress beyond compulsive masturbation or habitual use of pornography, chat rooms, or webcams for sexual excitement. Yet for other men and women, the addictive behaviors may cross over into illegal activities such as exhibitionism, voyeurism, obscene phone calls, sex with prostitutes, or sex with people found on websites that cater to sex addicts.

Sex Addiction Questionnaire

Sexual Addiction Behaviors May Include:

  • Habitual Masturbation
  • Cheating On Your Spouse or Partner
  • Sexual Fantasies
  • Viewing Pornography
  • Participating Unsafe and risky sex
  • Paying for Sex (Prostitutes, Sexual Massage, Escorts)
  • Sex With Anonymous Partners (Craigslist, Backpage, Dating Sites, Chatrooms)
  • Phone, Text, Chatroom sex
  • Sexual Fetishes
  • Pain Exchange Sex

Our counselors believe that the real problem with sexual addiction isn’t just the out of control sexual behaviors but it also involves an underlying “wound” or trauma that the sex addict is numbing, medicating, or covering up with the sexual addictive behaviors.  The sexual behaviors have become a coping mechanism to deal with internal pain, fear of being hurt, fear of being abandoned, and terror of being shamed.  Our sexual addiction therapists understand this fear and create a therapeutic environment that is safe, never shaming, fully accepting, and provides direction for recovery and healing.

Sexual Addiction Counseling Program

In the first counseling session, your therapist will safely begin to gather information about your sexual behaviors, provide information on tools for getting free from those behaviors, begin identifying the underlying issues of the addiction, and give direction on beginning your journey of healing and freedom from the addictive behaviors.

Sex Addiction group counseling is an effective part of the healing process and is foundational to deep healing.  In group therapy, you will experience acceptance, safety, and support from other men that struggle with similar behaviors.  Group members form a close bond that provides healing for the wound that occurred in the sex addict’s childhood.  We often hear from group members that it is the one place that they feel safe to share their deepest, darkest secrets and never shamed. Group members keep one another accountable in sexual sobriety, recovery work, and encouragement not to quit.

If you are struggling with sexual addictive behaviors and have come to a place of wanting to finally get free, please don’t hesitate another minute to contact our center to setup a time to meet with a qualified, trained sexual addiction counselor.  Call our center at 406-778-5508 or fill out our contact form to request more information.

If married, nearly all wives of sex addicts are traumatized by the lies, deceptions, and betrayal, and they need treatment too. The wife’s wounding has to be addressed as well as have both parties participate in marital therapy.

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