Support For Partners/Spouses Of Sex Addicts

Sexual Addiction Devastates Partners

Our counselors provide a safe place to share your pain, shock, and grief over the discovery that your spouse or partner has betrayed you.  They can teach you to set boundaries in your relationship if your partner is struggling with porn or other related sex addiction. Sex addicts often believe that it is something “that everyone does” and “no one is getting hurt”. Most of them are unaware of the trail of devastation they leave behind.

Whether your partner gets help or not, you need to know:

  • Sex addiction is his problem, not yours! You did nothing to cause him to turn to sexually acting out. He is fully responsible for his own decisions and his resulting addiction.
  • You will feel worse before you begin to feel better. You will go through cycles of hating him and loving him. Know that this is perfectly normal reaction to discovering his sex addiction problem.
  • Both of you need to heal. Although it is tempting to focus all attention on getting him help to stop his sex addiction behaviors, do what you can each day to get yourself on a healthier path as well.
  • Respect his need for privacy as well as yours. There is a great deal of shame and secrecy with a sexual addiction. There is a sexual stigma in our society that is hard to overcome. Family members and close friends may not be your best advocates.
  • Only through calm, open, honest and frank discussion will there be a platform for rebuilding trust. Let him know how his addiction has affected you and your family.
  • That you will need support from other partners/spouses of sex addicts who fully understand your shock, anger, pain, and depression. Our groups provide a safe place for you to talk, cry, get angry, or whatever other emotions that you may want to express.

Spouses Of Sex Addicts Support & Counseling

If you have taken the time to locate this site, there is a good chance you have felt at one time or another shame, guilt, abandonment, anger, and sorrow. You may have originally responded that this is your partner’s issue and not yours and therefore, you don’t need to seek counseling. Yet, you also haven’t found the confidence to turn to friends for understanding, assistance or solace.

We encourage the spouse or partner to come to her own therapy whether or not the sex addict is ready to start his own recovery. It is important for you to get support and clarity for yourself. You can learn about sexual addiction and how it effects you and your family, you can decrease the isolation you feel and learn that you do not have to be ashamed because of the actions of your partner or even your own actions. We ensure that your counseling will be in a safe non-judgemental environment that will allow you to still the caos and sort out your situation and provide you with options.

We are here to provide you the support and understanding you need. Make an appointment today to speak with one of our counselors that have received specialized training for the partners and families of sex addicts. Contact us either via phone (406-788-5508) or through our

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6:30 am-7:00 pm


7:00 am-5:00 pm


6:30 am-6:00 pm


7:00 am-6:00 pm


7:00 am-6:00 pm


10:00 am-1:00 pm

